Xcom 2 enemy units
Xcom 2 enemy units

The Cannon is a mid-ranged weapon that does more base damage then the Assault Rifle and has more ammo (5). When "Point Blank" to an enemy, it does 11-13 base damage.Plasma Shotguns (Storm Gun) do 8-10 base damage.When "Point Blank" to an enemy, it does 9-11 base damage.Mag Shotguns (Shard Gun) do 6-8 base damage.When "Point Blank" (directly next to) an enemy, it does 7-9 base damage.Conventional Shotguns do 4-6 base damage.They are very accurate, however, especially at close range. Base damage is also reduced by cover, meaning that the damage value can get as low as 1.

xcom 2 enemy units

The Shotgun is a close ranged weapon, doing large base damage when close to enemy units, but falling off as your soldier gets further away. Conventional Assault Rifles do 3-5 base damage.RPGO doesn't add any additional features to the base game weapon, so equipping an Assault Rifle doesn't give a soldier any additional buffs or de-buffs. The Assault Rifle is a medium ranged weapon that does average base damage across all of it's upgrades, modular additions non-withstanding.

xcom 2 enemy units

  • 2.3 Chemthrowers: Corrolator and Toxilator.
  • xcom 2 enemy units

  • 2.1 Chemthrowers: Immolators and Xenolators.

  • Xcom 2 enemy units