The Cannon is a mid-ranged weapon that does more base damage then the Assault Rifle and has more ammo (5). When "Point Blank" to an enemy, it does 11-13 base damage.Plasma Shotguns (Storm Gun) do 8-10 base damage.When "Point Blank" to an enemy, it does 9-11 base damage.Mag Shotguns (Shard Gun) do 6-8 base damage.When "Point Blank" (directly next to) an enemy, it does 7-9 base damage.Conventional Shotguns do 4-6 base damage.They are very accurate, however, especially at close range. Base damage is also reduced by cover, meaning that the damage value can get as low as 1.

The Shotgun is a close ranged weapon, doing large base damage when close to enemy units, but falling off as your soldier gets further away. Conventional Assault Rifles do 3-5 base damage.RPGO doesn't add any additional features to the base game weapon, so equipping an Assault Rifle doesn't give a soldier any additional buffs or de-buffs. The Assault Rifle is a medium ranged weapon that does average base damage across all of it's upgrades, modular additions non-withstanding.